Worked out on some more of the new tunes last night. We rehearse at this place in Yarraville.


It is empty , of course, when we are doing our rehearsals. A cute ambience though. A little stage at the end where Clare sets up and we all gather round on the floor. Our bass player Stu Thomas organized it as he lives nearby. I walked to the hall from the train station and saw Stu fly by on his electric pushbike to get the key. Clare Moore came from the other side of Melbourne with the drums and my guitar and amp. Stu Perera came from Keysborough, also way out east with his guitar and amp. Stu P has been living at home with his folks. He quit his job to take care of them as they had been battling a few chronic illnesses and frailties of ageing. he has been incredible. Organizing hospital visits and negotiating all the bureauocracy and both are in much better shapes and outlook. What a guy!

We spent most of the first hour stretching out on an instrumental groove I have cooked up and called "mistral". By the end I was singing something along with it as I kept having to call out the chords.Stu Perera thinks it sounds like John Abercrombie. I am happy if my songs sound like something else. Preloved!
We then went over a few other tunes we have been working on. "blues negative", "midnight cats", "I don't wanna know myself", "flash in the pantz", "cop this,sweetly", " we need a champion", "playin' chicken" , "lifes a dream", "mt gambier night" , "field record me" and some others. Some we have played live a few times and some we will be taking out for a canter at these shows we have coming up.
Mostly me on 12 string electric, stu on electric guitar, Stu Thomas on bass and Clare on drums.
We talked vaguely of how to record things. I would love, one day, to do a session straight to two track.I mean no mixing, just micing everything up and balancing the sounds and it all goes down to a stereo mix. Otherwise just two mics hanging in the room. With this band, we could do it. Its the best band I've ever had really. Probably meaning that its best for me to express myself within. Playing the guitar and moving the songs. Got my tone together with the electric 12 and the janglebox. These songs are pretty toned and arranged too. Been sitting on some of them for a long time. 11 or 12 songs, all top shelf is what I'm after. Its the first "band" recording of new songs since " we wuz curious" in 2007. Thats my favourite album I've ever done so far. That and "the devil drives" from 1997.
Yes, we could do a live to 2 track with tis band but I think the songs should probably be put down with a bit more attention to a few different sounds. Won't be a lot of overdubs, just a couple of different sounds.
Stu Thomas and Clare Moore have also been rehearsing intensely with Jane Dust and the Giant Hoopoes for a recording which will probably go down in November. Stu is also doing the odd show with Kim Salmon and the Surrealists. Their last, just last week involved no rehearsal and three sets of songs Kim would either just start of call out. Stu also does his own shows with the Stu Thomas Paradox.

Clare Moore has also been working with the Ukeladies (playing vibes) and the Hired Guns (drums)

As we packed up we started talking about Captain Beefheart and everybody was trading lines from his songs. Amazing how much of his stuff is so stuck fast in our brains and how fresh it all is. "tropical hot dog night! Like two flamingoes in a fruit fight! every colour of day running around at night. I'm playin this music so all the young girls can come out and meet the monster tonight!"
On the drive home we listened to Australian poet (favourite of mine) Robert Gray talk about a new anthology he has put together with Geoffrey Lehman. Phillp Adams asked him if any song lyrics were in it. He didn't even need to think and said "no". I agree. Poetry is another discipline. A few lines from great singers are worthy .
All of Bo Diddleys "who do you love ". ( I walk 47 miles of barbed wire/cobra snake for a necktie/brand new house by the roadside/made from ratatlesnake hide/ brand new chimney made on top/ made outta human skulls/come on take a walk with me- tell me who do you love". Anything he did really!
Muddy Waters lines in "I can't be satisfied " such as "I be in my sleep/hear my doorbell ring/I'm looking for my woman I dont see a goddam thing/ you know I'm troubled ! I'm all worried in mind/ you know I just can't be satisfied- I just can't keep from cryin'!". 1947! Cop that pop world!
Howlin Wolf , "I shoulda followed my first mind! Then I wouldn't be here down on the killin floor!".
Hohn Lee Hooker, "I'ma crawlin king snake in a room of death!"
JIm Morrison "the cars hiss by my window like the waves down on the beach/ I got this girl beside me but shes out of start a tremblin with a sonic boom - BOOM- a call girl will kill you in a darkened room!""
The rest? Toss their skinny white asses in the river!
Actually it is an area where musical gifts are in the picture as well. JImmy Webb is unparalleled in my humble ears for his imagery and melodic powers.
Not looking to argue or saying one is higher or lower, both fields are powerful. Byron will live forever and so will Rimbaud, Verlaine and Apollinaire. So will Hoagy Carmichael and August Darnell.
We have young Melbourne band (originally from Wagga ), the OCEAN PARTY joining us and the Sand Pebbles at the Northcote Social Club on 31st October.
Friday 14th and Saturday 15th October- Wheatsheaf Hotel -Thebarton - Adelaide.
Monday 31st October- CUP EVE SHOW
Northcote Social Club in Melbourne w/ the Sand Pebbles and the OCEAN PARTY )
Friday Nov 11th Camelot Lounge - 19 Marrickville Rd,(Cnr Railway Pde) Marrickville, Sydney,
Saturday Nov 12th the Great Northern Hotel 83-89 Scott Street, Newcastle,
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